Visit to Australia by the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands

Media statement
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister
Prime Minister of Solomon Islands

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese welcomed the Prime Minister of Solomon Islands, the Hon Manasseh Sogavare MP, to Australia for bilateral talks in Canberra today.

As proud Pacific nations, Australia and Solomon Islands have a deep and enduring history underpinned by strong people-to-people links and shared democratic values.

Following their earlier meeting at the Pacific Islands Forum in Suva, leaders discussed bilateral priorities and challenges, including the existential threat of the climate crisis, and shared aspirations for a peaceful, prosperous and resilient Pacific.

Prime Minister Sogavare welcomed Australia’s stronger action on climate change and commended the Australian Government on the recent legislation of new ambitious climate targets.

Prime Minister Sogavare and Prime Minister Albanese reaffirmed mutual security commitments, and the Pacific family first approach to regional peace and security.

Leaders discussed ongoing economic cooperation, including market access, Pacific labour mobility, scholarships and the Pacific Engagement Visa.

On development, the leaders discussed Australia’s enduring support across all areas of society as Solomon Islands’ largest development partner, including infrastructure, health, education, governance.

Prime Minister Sogavare welcomed Australia’s $16.68 million commitment to support the 2023 Pacific Games, and offer to support the next Solomon Islands’ election.