Visit to Australia by the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

Media release
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will welcome Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea the Honourable James Marape MP to Australia on Sunday 25 September for a Guest of Government visit.

Prime Minister Marape and Prime Minister Albanese will attend the Prime Minister’s XIII Rugby League matches on Sunday evening at Brisbane’s Suncorp Stadium.

Rugby league has formed a key part of the relationship between Papua New Guinea and Australia for decades.

The first PM’s XIII was played in 2005 at Lloyd Robson Oval, Port Moresby, with the match to return to PNG next year.

This event is an opportunity to celebrate our shared passion for sport and culture as we support our respective men’s and women’s teams.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Albanese:

“Australia’s relationship with Papua New Guinea is special and unique; we hold common history, values, and an enduring bond as neighbours, partners and friends.

“We also share a vision of what we want to achieve together—a more prosperous, unified and secure region.

“As our nearest neighbour, we will continue to work closely with Papua New Guinea to deepen cooperation across all areas including sports, economic recovery, infrastructure, security and climate resilience.

“I am honoured to welcome Prime Minister Marape to Australia.”