National Cabinet - Brisbane

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

ANTHONY ALBANESE, PRIME MINISTER: Can I say it is fantastic to be here in Brisbane and I thank Annastacia for hosting us here, we had a terrific dinner last night. Once again today we're talking about a better future for the Federation, making sure that we get better health outcomes, particularly how do we improve, from the Commonwealth's perspective, GPs and primary health care in order to take pressure off the public hospital system - how do we get more efficient outcomes.

We'll also talk about housing service delivery across the board in the lead up to our budget, which is now just less than two weeks away. So I'm very confident about really positive outcomes today, and I just want to thank all the Premiers and Chief Ministers for continuing to make sure that this National Cabinet really functions in all of our interests.

I want to welcome Chris to his first meeting of the National Cabinet. I tried to say last night that Chris as the new guy had to pay for dinner last night, that bills on its way.

So I really look forward to a constructive meeting today and welcome everyone here. We of course, have some big tasks ahead as well. Today we'll agree to have another meeting in a few months’ time, talking about more health outcomes - the job of reform is never done. But we also, of course, are all committed to a Yes vote in the referendum that will take place in the last quarter of this year.

And I really appreciate the fact that all levels of government - the Commonwealth, state and territories, also local government are so committed to this really important moment which will be seized in nation building, in recognising Aboriginal people in our nation's Constitution and listening to them so as to get better outcomes going forward.