Independent Intelligence Review

Media release
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

The Australian Government has commissioned an Independent Review into Australia’s intelligence agencies.

The work of our intelligence agencies underpins Australia’s national security objectives, including safeguarding Australia’s sovereignty in an increasingly uncertain security environment. Our intelligence agencies help protect Australia’s security, prosperity and values in complex and changing circumstances.

The National Intelligence Community (NIC) has undergone significant structural and transformational changes in recent years. The Review will ensure that our intelligence agencies remain well-placed to serve Australia’s national interest.

The Review will be co-led by Dr Heather Smith PSM and Mr Richard Maude.

Dr Smith is currently a professor at the Australian National University National Security College and has served as Secretary of the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, and Deputy Director-General of the Office of National Assessments. In April 2023, Dr Smith was appointed the National President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs. Dr Smith has nearly 20 years’ experience in the public service at senior levels.

Mr Maude is currently Executive Director of Policy at Asia Society Australia and a Senior Fellow at the Asia Society Policy Institute. He is a former senior Australian Government official with 30 years’ experience in foreign policy and national security, including as the former Director-General of the Office of National Assessments. In May this year, Mr Maude was appointed to the External Advisory Panel to oversee the implementation of the Defence Strategic Review.

The reviewers will consult widely, and welcome public submissions. The findings of the Review will be provided to Government in mid-2024.

Independent Reviews of the intelligence community have been commissioned periodically, with the last completed in 2017.

Public submissions on matters included in the Review’s Terms of Reference can be made to, or by post to ‘2024 Independent Intelligence Review’ c/o Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, PO Box 6500 Canberra, ACT 2600. The closing date for public submissions is 24 November 2023.

Further information, including the Terms of Reference, can be found here: 2024 Independent Intelligence Review.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese:

“Our intelligence agencies underpin our national security objectives, including helping to safeguard our sovereignty in an increasingly uncertain security environment.

“This Independent Review will make sure that our intelligence agencies are best positioned to serve the Australian national interest, respond to future capability and workforce challenges, and continue to protect our security, prosperity and values.

“Dr Smith and Mr Maude are highly capable individuals with the specific skills needed to lead this Review.”