Doorstop Interview - Ahmedabad, India

Ahmedabad, India
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese
Prime Minister

JOHN GRIMES, CEO SMART ENERGY COUNCIL: Prime Minister, welcome and we're absolutely honoured by your presence today. This is a really important initiative. This is Australian industry, Australian business and research, actually collaborating with the fantastic, massive market of India to develop the smart energy industry that's going to power the Australia economy and the Indian economy in the future. We have 34 companies, Australian companies, represented on this tour today, today is the first day. Everything from companies actually building the largest renewable energy projects in the country, looking for investments in India, all the way through to companies offering distilling water, potable water, for the poorest people in the world, and literally everything in between. We've got companies like Powerledger, the first company actually partnering with Tata power to roll out this technology into the Indian market. We have Selectronic, an Australian manufacturer, inverter manufacturer, looking to take their products and sell them into the Indian market. We've got a whole range of other companies doing work across the spectrum. So Prime Minister, we're so honoured and grateful you could be here, and welcome.

PRIME MINISTER, ANTHONY ALBANESE: Thank you. Can I very much thank everyone for this very warm welcome. There are here 34 Australian companies, it just says a lot about the opportunity that is there if only we seize it. And that's an opportunity of shifting to cleaner, smarter energy, that is about domestic policy in Australia, but it's also about reaching out to the world. There can't be a solution on climate change without international action. That's why Australia has a role in engaging with India as well as with other countries in our region. But it also makes good economic sense. It's about Australian jobs and Australian businesses growing. It is indeed smart economics, not just smart energy. And just a couple of weeks ago I was in Wollongong at the university there and with the funding from when I was last minister we established the Smart Infrastructure Facility. And then now there's going to be very much a focus there on renewable energy and what we can do, and I saw practical examples there. But Australia has been very good at innovation, including in renewables and smart technology. We haven't always been good at commercialising those opportunities for Australia's advantage. And this is about win-win. A win for Australia, a win for India, closer economic relations with what is growing, is already the fifth largest economy in the world, but growing even further in the future. So thank you for what you're doing as well. The revolution that's going on is providing energy for people who haven't had access to basic energy, basic services, clean water, all of those things as well. So this is so important and congratulations on bringing such a significant delegation here to India.

GRIMES: Prime Minister, you'll be very pleased to know that several of the companies are working on projects to bring solar panel manufacturing to Australia, to actually build the solar panels that we invented and export them to the world, so we're really excited about the prospect.

PRIME MINISTER: You'll be pleased to know that about an hour ago our National Reconstruction Fund legislation passed the House of Representatives. It's significant enough for me to be contacted here in India. It's a big deal. It’s about how do we take advantage of the opportunities for manufacturing in Australia. Because it makes so much sense when we have one of the world's largest deposits of so much that will be needed in the future, critical minerals, lithium, nickel, copper, cobalt, all of these resources we have. We have the skills to do it. And that's why the association with global partners is so important. And I know that there are Australian companies wanting to invest in manufacturing, but there are Indian companies as well that want to invest significant capital in Australia.